Timely Registration :     15 days after marriage (with marriage license) 30 days after marriage (exempted from marriage license)
Place of Registration:    at the LCR Office of the city/municipality where event occurred
Person Responsible:      Solemnizing officer

1. Submit  four (4) copies of Marriage Certificate signed by contracting parties, solemnizing officer, and at least two witnesses;
o    For marriage under Article 34, (living together as husband & wife for at least 5 years with no legal impediment & exempted from marriage license) submit also four (4) copies of affidavit of cohabitation executed by contracting parties with Solemnizing officer signing the Affidavit at the back of the marriage certificate and notarized for that purpose;
o    For marriage among Muslims or among members of the ethnic cultural minorities performed without marriage license, and solemnized in accordance with their customs, rites or practices;

2. Copy of the registered marriage certificate will be issued within 20 minutes.
Late Registration:     after 15 days (with marriage license) after 30 days (exempted from marriage license)
1. Submit the following documents:
•    PSA (NSO) certificate of no record of marriage
•    Two (2) or more documentary evidence such as:
Certified copy or original copy of marriage contract, Marriage license, and Application for marriage license, wedding invitation, picture during marriage, Birth certificate of children
•    Joint Affidavit of two (2) disinterested persons who might have known/witness the marriage
2. Submit 4 copies of Marriage Certificate (Mun. Form 97) signed by contracting parties, solemnizing officer, and at least two witnesses;
3. Registrant must sign the Affidavit for late registration at the back of the Marriage Certificate;
4. Copy of the registered marriage certificate will be issued after 10 days during office working day.

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