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There are about 14,833 households in Dinalupihan at present. These houses are occupied by the 76,145 inhabitants residing in 46 barangays of the municipality. There are a few building types existing in Dinalupihan. Single-detached houses have the greatest share, about 90 percent. Duplex units followed. While Bataan’s housing trend line showed an increasing slope suggesting an almost higher increment for every 10-year period, Dinalupihan’s trend line was continuously steep. The municipality, in fact, accounted for biggest increase as far as number of housing is concerned. It resulted from the various housing projects being jointly undertaken by the municipal government and the Community Mortgage Program. The projects are located in Pagalanggang, Sto. Nino, San Ramon, Layac, Daang Bago, Sta. Isabel, Payumo, San Pablo and Pita.
Of the total housing units, 47% are owned and/or being amortized while 28% are rented. Additional 18% are rented for free with consent of the owners. Another 7% are rent-free without consent of the owner.
Most of the houses in Dinalupihan are concrete/semi-concrete buildings with galvanized iron roofing and/or aluminum roofs. Houses in the barangays, especially in the periphery and upland areas, use mixed wooden structures with cogon/nipa roofs. These wooden houses and makeshift units make up approximately 32% of the total housing units or roughly equivalent to 5,000 units
In terms of the age of the house, about 20% were just recently constructed (1996-2000) while about 38% were built in the year 1980 onwards. Some 25% were built before 1980. The remaining lots do not have records of their age.
Early houses in Dinalupihan were generally built to suit the tropical climate. They were made of wood, bamboo and nipa palm or wild grass (cogon). There was little adornment and finery in the house. The bahay-kubo was the basic design for the rich and poor classes of Filipinos of that time.
The arrival of Spanish architects and engineers and other community workers into the country (1700s) changed almost everything, including the architectural design of houses. Rich families of Dinalupihan living in the center of the town started constructing their houses based on the designs prevalent in Manila. The bahay-kubo was refined, expanded and developed into the bahay na bato with a wide azotea. Stones or adobe replaced the regular wood and bamboo stakes. Walls were either made of stone slabs and/or cut lumbers. Clay tiles replaced the nipa roofing. Later on, galvanized iron roof sheets were introduced. In time, Dinalupihan was adorned with bigger, higher and more expensive residences.The present design of houses in Dinalupihan continues to suit the tropical climate, although a bigger number are semi-concrete residences with spacious rooms and concrete fences. Some were designed by trained architects. Still, only the architectural concept or layout changed. The bahay-kubo remained the basic pattern especially in areas far from the center of town.
There was a dramatic increase in the number of housing units in Dinalupihan for the past four decades. It was due to the economic boom which transpired in various parts of the town starting in the 1960s.
Residence of the first Chief of Police Cosme Magtanong built 1900
Residence of the Sta. Maria Family during the Spanish Time
Household distribution
Aquino (28), Bangal (585), Bayan-bayanan (87), Bonifacio (83), Burgos (110), Colo (464), Daang Bago (477), Dalao (184), Del Pilar (57), Gen. Luna (110) Gomez (66), Happy Valley (273), Kataasan (511), Layac (211), Luacan (1,035), Mabini Extension (156), Mabini Proper (70), Magsaysay (300), Maligaya (197), Naparing (444); New San Jose (991), Old San Jose (265), Padre Dandan (27), Pagalanggang (456), Pag-asa (293), Payangan (76), Payumo Jr. ( 473), Pentor (479), Pinulot (524), Pita (394), Rizal (54), Roosevelt (1,105), Roxas ( 72), Saguing (684), San Isidro (188), San Pablo (335), San Simon (174), Sapang Balas (121), Sta. Isabel (286), Sto. Nino (591), Torres (121), Tubo-tubo (33), Tucop ( 510), Zamora (87).
Pinulot: Hacienda Valley, Cefels Park Subdivision, Casa Bonita Subidivision, Peoples Village and Evergreen Subdivision Colo: Colo Farm Subdivision;